Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ready, Set, VISA!

Hello Everyone,

If you are reading this then chances are you know me and know what this is about and all that jazz.
Of course there is the chance that like me, you decided to look up the blogs of random people teaching English in Korea as a method of research before your trip.  So I guess I should offer a bit of background.

My name is Tomirika and I decided due to reasons known to everyone (just because, or why not?) to move to South Korea and teach English for the foreseeable future (at least a year).  I love to travel, love to learn new languages, love to explore and love to eat new foods from all over the world. It just seemed like time to have my next adventure.  I spent a few months earning my TEFL certificate and preparing my documents for the job search (not so much of the latter) before leaving my job in PA and moving back home to MI to await my any day now job offer.  Well as it turns out I really should have been doing a lot more of the documents gathering thing because you can't begin the job search without ALL of them.  So to make a long story short my couple of weeks back home turned into 3 months but finally it all came through, I was offered a job, I accepted and I began the VISA process.  Just yesterday I finished the last part of that process when I went to the Korean Consulate General in Chicago for my scheduled interview.  For all of you who know me I will be honest, I was a little nervous (you all know my tendency to worry) but it was all for naught.  They weren't even individual interviews.  They took four of us back at a time, we sat around and table where a nice young lady asked us a few getting to know you questions and we all took turns answering before she returned us our paperwork and told us to give them back to our VISA agent in the outer office.  I did and was told I could pick it up in 2-3 days and Ya Esta! (Spanish for that's it).  So now I have my expected date of departure, next Thursday and I am ready to go, or am I?
As you all know I worry (no mom I can't stop) and now that I am packed and have a date in mind I can't help but worry.  Did I pack everything, am I forgetting something vital,  Do I have all my documents that I need to take with me.  Do I have enough money (ha ha).  I hope I don't forget my toothbrush.  This and many more things keep running through my head, causing sleepless night and days filled with checking my suitcase and lists over and over again.  And then the days seem to be speeding by and slowing down at the same time.  Well I guess I am as ready as I'll ever be.
Keep an eye out on this blog and I will try to update it at least once a week perhaps more so in the beginning.  I shall endeavor to use this as a means of sharing my experiences abroad with all of you that I love and cherish, and those of you that I only told about it to increase my blogs popularity (jk, jk, jk).  I shall post pics and interesting facts that I learn along the way.  Please feel free to leave comments, in fact I would love it if you would do so.


  1. Tomi!! ITs Gina from ICS in Spain! This adventure sounds awesome and its so YOU! HAve a great time and I will ber checking out your blog for any new news!

    I am jealous!
    Abrazos, Gina

  2. Aw, I will miss you love..... please keep updating... no slacking!!! <3

  3. Well, it's been a long time since I have heard from you but I just wanted to say God Bless You in this brave adventure, and I look forward to updates via your blog.
    All the best
